Give a Group Access to a Project

Use the Access Control page of the New Project wizard or the Access Control tab of the Project Properties dialog box to give a group access to a project.

You can assign a user or a group to a project in a row within the grid, but you cannot assign both.

To give a group access to a project, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Access Control page, click New to add a new row to the grid.
  2. In the Group field, click to display the Groups lookup dialog box.
  3. Select a group and click Select to add that group to the grid. You can also double-click on a group ID to add that group to the grid.
  4. In the Role field, click to display the Roles lookup dialog box.
  5. Select a role and click Select to assign that role to the group you selected. You can also double-click on a role to add that role to the grid.
  6. Select the Read Only check box if you want to provide the group with read-only access to the project.